Miles Rindle, Harper & Evi Tunks - Stars of the show!
Do we need to say more? ❤️
Araceli Wehr - Matron of Honor
Araceli is Jess's best friend who, one day just showed up out of nowhere. She started working at the same company as Jess and their boys went to the same preschool together. Araceli, thank you for seeing me through the worst part of my life and never judging or leaving my side. Love you.
Erik Rusch - Best Man
Erik and Shawn met at a bar in Fairwater, WI the night before a softball tournament. They lived happily ever after.
Cortney Oswald - Bridesmaid
Cortney and Jess met in college and quicky became roommates and BFF's. Here's to several more decades of wild nights and fun memories! Can't wait to grow old with you Cort! Love you!
Steffanie Schilder - Bridesmaid
Steffanie and Jess met through Cortney in their young 20's. Stef taught Jess about wine, tapas and travel. We need more of this in our lives going forward! Thank you for always letting me be me Stef. Love you!
Justin Bilhorn - Groomsman
Shawn and Justin have been friends since middle school, when Justin was Shawn's catcher in baseball, keeping him on his toes with knuckle balls back to the pitcher.
Jonny Bilhorn - Groomsman
Shawn and Jonny have been friends since the summer before 7th grade, when they toured the state playing Junior Teener baseball for the epic Edgerton Blue Team.
Claire Rindle - Attendant
Claire is Jess's step daughter from her previous marriage and big sister to Miles. She is sweet and funny and we are so grateful she gets to be in our lives and celebrate our special day.
Bella Coon - Attendant
Bella is Jess's niece and Goddaughter. She was the first grandchild in the family and holds a special place in our hearts. Love you Bell!
Kensie King - Attendant
Kensie is Shawn's niece and the first born grandchild. Kensie enjoys gymnastics and cheer. She loves teaching and putting on dance performances with Harper & Evi. Thanks for being a part of our day Kens!